
Archive: News - January 2025

New Version IDPS-ESCAPE (v0.2)- ADBox full integration into Wazuh

Following our initial (Alpha) release of IDPS-ESCAPE on September 1st, 2024 introducing ADBox, our dedicated anomaly-based intrusion detection solution relying on state-of-the-art advances in artificial intelligence, we have made another release on GitHub that in addition to patches and improvements, provides a full integration into Wazuh, the well-known open-source SIEM, which you can catch a glimpse of by watching this short walkthrough.

Click here to read the whole article


Original publication on the itrust Abstractions Lab website

Publication of the alpha release of IDPS-ESCAPE on the itrust Abstrations Lab website

Technical specification providing end-to-end traceability on


Training: PSDC – eArchiving

itrust consulting is excited to announce an upcoming training session designed to boost your expertise on PSDC - eArchiving.

In today's information society, it is important to digitise all your important documents to avoid accidental loss or destruction. However, it is important to ensure that these documents are converted and preserved in digital form so that they retain their legal status. As any company can apply to ILNAS for accreditation as a ‘Dematerialisation and/or Preservation Service Provider’, itrust consulting is offering a training course in which the main ideas behind PSDC certification will be presented and explained in order to give interested companies a clearer picture of the constraints involved in obtaining such certification.

This training course is aimed at any company that wants to create or archive digital copies of their own scriptural archives while attributing a legal value to these copies, or that wants to offer such a service to their customers.

Click here for more information and to register

