Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

(Space Awareness for Critical Infrastructures) One of the challenges that have to be dealt with within the coming years, is Critical Infrastructure Security. Today Critical infrastructures work through a strict interdependence among each other, composing a very complex super-system. Space assets, especially Satellites which are more and more used, are not excluded. It is fundamental to consider all possible threats for the whole super system, to better stop or mitigate direct and indirect effect of these threats. The SPARC project aims to analyse space phenomena, like Space Weather, Space Debris and Near Earth Objects, as threats for Critical Infrastructures and to analyse their effect directly on ground Infrastructures, and indirectly, causing failures in Space Assets, failures propagating at ground level. The project also aims to share good practice to prevent or mitigate incoming failures from space threats and possible guidelines to improve these practices.


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

FP7 (Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security) TREsPASS (Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security) is a European FP7 project with 17 partners from nine European countries. Its aim is to develop methods and tools for predicting, evaluating and prioritising attack scenarios on the IT infrastructure of a business. The project will develop meta-models of integrated physical, digital and social engineering risks, collect empirical knowledge about socio-technical attacks, and develop quantitative methods for assessing the risk of these attacks. These models and techniques will be integrated into risk assessment methods, and be implemented in an “attack navigator” to support security decision-making


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

FP7 (Cybersecurity on SCADA: risk prediction, analysis and reaction tools for Critical Infrastructures) The CockpitCI System will represent a first step in the synthesis between global awareness and local decision-making capability. Starting from the results of FP7 MICIE project, CockpitCI will define and implement an online distributed risk Predictor, able to collect and share information among different infrastructures in real time, perform situation assessment and predict the evolution of the system. Moreover, the tool will have the ability to detect critical situations such as cyber attacks, and in case, enable the local decision making capability of smart field equipment, such as RTUs.


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

FP7 (i-GalilieO indoor navigation) i-GOing develops a service that generates specific indoor signals by making use of a network of pseudolites, which are installed inside buildings and are connected to a localisation server that manages them. The mobile receivers will correlate those signals, compute a pseudorange per antenna and send that information back to the localisation server. The localisation server indicates the mobile device’s position in a predefined, downloaded map of the building.


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

FP7 (Tool for systemic risk analysis and secure mediation of data ex-changed across linked CI information infrastructures) The MICIE project will support the improvement of Critical Infrastructure Protection capabilities in Europe through the design and implementation of an on-line “MICIE alerting system” able to predict, in real-time, the cascade effects on a given Critical Infrastructure (CI) of some undesired events happened in other independent CIs. It is expected that this MICIE alerting system will become a formidable tool in order to support the decisions to be taken by the CI operators.