
Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

FP7 (Live Ict services Verified by EGNOS to find Lost Individuals in Emergency situations) Person tracking location based services are becoming very popular. Google Latitude and BLIIN are examples of person tracking location based services. These services are highly attractive for communities of young people who like to share live experiences. These services are offered free of charge on the Internet. The main objective of this proposed project was to develop a commercial, secure person tracking service which ensures the users’ privacy.


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

Localisation Assurance Service Provider A software and service to verify and certify the user’s location. This service has been developed in partnership with ESA and the University of Luxembourg. (more…)

BUGYO Beyond

Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

CELTIC (BUildinG securitY assurance in Open infrastructures, BEYOND) The project aimed to develop concepts and tools for versatile Telecommunication infrastructure to be able to monitor the security and the quality of the service. This project aimed to optimise the existing security by monitoring the security measures already deployed thanks to smart probes systems and by assessing in  real time the level of security assurance of such infrastructure according to defined profiles.


Posted January 2000 by & filed under Finished Research Projects.

ITEA2 (Automation of Security Tests) The DIAMONDS project aims to set  up an integrated platform to perform vulnerability assessments of systems which require a high level of security and a specific methodology of deployment of such security analysis frameworks. The integration of these frameworks of tests and monitoring software and methodologies as soon as possible in  the development cycle  of a product will provide a sustainable security assurance level which will lead to a high level of confidence in design and integration in the whole cycle of new products.