Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!
Sending our wishes by email allows us to donate our end-of-year budget for presents and paper-based greeting cards to the following charity organisations instead:
itrust consulting sponsors and is present at the Botconf 2014 - conference dedicated for the fight against botnets, from 3-5 December, Nancy, France.
itrust will assist at the Gala IT One, an end of year event of the IT community in Luxembourg.
From 1st of December 2014 the street name of itrust consulting's office changes and the official address will be the following:
itrust consulting s. à r. l.
55, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven
itrust consulting is in search of a specialist in Malware Analysis. Please send your application to ul.tsurti@ofni.