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Cyber Security – from an operational to a strategic issue

Carlo Harpes presents lessons learned on research and innovation in security at a cyber security seminar in Luxembourg.

TRICK Service referenced by ENISA

TRICK Service, the risk assessment and management tool by itrust consulting, is now referenced in the RM/RA tools inventory of ENISA.

Article in Lëtzebuerger Gemengen (LG)

TRICK Service referred to in Lëtzebuerger Gemengen's March 2015 edition. Register now to obtain a free demo of the product.

CockpitCI article published

"How to monitor cyberrisks on a critical infrastructure ?", an article summarising the results of the CockpitCI research project was published in the 2nd edition of the Scientific biannual booklet of Revue Technique Luxembourgeoise 2014.

Best wishes 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!

Sending our wishes by email allows us to donate our end-of-year budget for presents and paper-based greeting cards to the following charity organisations instead:

  • Raoul Follereau ONG, for their project « SATMED » in Africa ;
  • Friendship Luxembourg ONG, for their project « mHealth » in Bangladesh.

Botconf 2014

itrust consulting sponsors and is present at the Botconf 2014 - conference dedicated for the fight against botnets, from 3-5 December, Nancy, France.

Links :

Gala IT One

itrust will assist at the Gala IT One, an end of year event of the IT community in Luxembourg.

Street address change

From 1st of December 2014 the street name of itrust consulting's office changes and the official address will be the following:

itrust consulting s. à r. l.
55, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven

Job vacancy

itrust consulting is in search of a specialist in Malware Analysis. Please send your application to .

Links: Job description 2014

itrust consulting is a sponsor and has a speaker at the conference Maxime Morin, in cooperation with Julien Voisin and Anton Kochkov, holds a workshop on Radare2, a Concrete Alternative to IDA.

Reference of Workshop on
